Nina Power


Nina Power


2 July 2024: Nina Power has been declared bankrupt as a result of losing the High Court libel claim that she and fellow far-right conspiracy theorist Daniel 'DC' Miller brought against me, with the judge ruling that their conduct was an "aggressive" course of bullying with the “whiff of threat and antisemitism". My full statement on the High Court judgment against Ms Power and Mr Miller can be found here.

Email chains from 2018 disclosed at trial showed that Ms Power and Mr Miller had been coordinating with Deanna Havas and Daniel Keller to “defeat” me “psychologically”. Ms Power was revealed to be running secret ‘Groyper’ accounts and the anonymous @gorsedd6 account that she used to target me, as well as engaging extensively with other far-right associates. This included Jack Stokoe, the operator of 'Parallax Optics', a prolific UK neo-Nazi account that inspired the 2021 Denver mass shooter, with whom Ms Power promoted the far-right 'World War Trans' conspiracy theory. During cross-examination, Ms Power and Mr Miller both admitted that they had themselves written anonymously for the Parallax Optics website, a fact they had denied up until that point, with their own pleadings having previously characterised the account as being "known for espousing and disseminating abhorrent antisemitic views."

Key evidence also emerged in the form of WhatsApp messages between Ms Power and Mr Miller, now public having been adduced at trial, which can be viewed below. These reveal that Ms Power and Mr Miller both kept copies of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’, with Mr Miller suggesting they might “find [themselves] agreeing with it”. This leads Ms Power to “Wonder what the real deal is with the Protocols [of the Elders of Zion]”, the notorious antisemitic text that inspired Hitler. The logs also show Ms Power claiming that "the social disapproval for ‘racism’ is a psyop to stop people realising that there *are* alien and fairy races", and that "black and white were alien races and very different".

Ms Power is seen privately deriding a feminist PhD dissertation on sexual assault as "hyper-super-woke", before telling Mr Miller that "I’m definitely a Nazi now lol". Ms Power also proposed setting up a publisher with Mr Miller featuring "no fatties, no women, no homo…and definitely definitely no trannies unless it’s to admit they are just sick mfs", with the pair predicting an imminent "orgy of blood", while Mr Miller considered "fleeing to argentina like [Nazi war criminal Josef] Mengele".

Mr Miller is editor of far-right magazine IM-1776, and is known for his promotion of notorious "superfascist" Julius Evola and 'The Occult War', an antisemitic conspiracy theory that rails against "Judaised finance". He was also a writer for Social Matter, a neo-Nazi website that calls for the "segregation and separationof Jewish people. Ms Power was further shown at trial to have used her anonymous @gorsedd6 account to promote articles from the same neo-Nazi Social Matter site.

Ms Power and Mr Miller perform the neo-fascist Grey Wolves hand sign on Justin Murphy's live stream, February 2019:

WhatsApp messages between Ms Power and Mr Miller exhibited at trial:

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Ms Power refers to transgender people as "Toast":

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Ms Power and Mr Miller's discuss Jack Stokoe, whom they refer to as "Heathcliffe", operator of the neo-Nazi Parallax Optics account:

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Ms Power and Mr Miller discuss antisemitic conspiracy theory 'The Occult War', Jack Stokoe ("Heathcliffe"), 'Mein Kampf', and 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion':

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Ms Power refers to transgender people as "Toast":

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Nina Power and Daniel Miller WhatsApp messages

Sample of tweets from anonymous @gorsedd6 account, revealed during proceedings to be Ms Power:

Nina Power gorsedd6

Ms Power (@gorsedd6) and Jack Stokoe (@parallaxoptics) promote the far-right 'World War Trans' (WWT) conspiracy theory:

Nina Power Jack Stokoe
Nina Power Jack Stokoe

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power Jack Stokoe

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power Jack Stokoe

Ms Power's @gorsedd6 account shares an article by Mr Miller on neo-Nazi website 'Social Matter':

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Ms Power's @gorsedd6 account shares an article by Mr Miller on neo-Nazi website 'Social Matter':

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Ms Power's @gorsedd6 account shares a 'Parallax Optics' article admitted during cross-examination to have been anonymously authored by her and Mr Miller:

Nina Power gorsedd6
Ms Power and Mr Miller's 2020 High Court pleadings, prior to admitting they had published anonymously as 'Parallax Optics':

Nina Power Daniel Miller Parallax Optics pleadings

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Groyper Evola Owen Hatherley

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Nina Power gorsedd6

Ms Power's @gorsedd6 account follows "femme fascism" account 'Radfem Hitler':

Nina Power Radfem Hitler

Nina Power gorsedd6

Links to other documentation:

•  Daniel 'DC' Miller
•  Jack Stokoe aka 'Parallax Optics'
•  Deanna Havas
•  Daniel Keller
•  Sample of far-right / neo-Nazi targeting